

Photobucket Firdaus is the name..
Im happily schooling in Temasek Poly. Year 2.
Im doing my assigment based on movies
Do contact me at: adfiero@gmail.com


My blog is all about movies..
I will be review/comment it based on the latest movies that i had watched.
So enjoy reading it and pls leave comment after you viewed it.






background : Blogskins & Photoscape
Image : Google
Pics Sources : Flickr.com


November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Firstly, I like to watched movies that are a based on true events. Before this movie was made, i heard a story about a guy who getting younger intead of getting older. It's hard for me to believe it. So i was curious enough to watch this movie.

Bejamin Button(Brad Pitt) was born as baby and the ugliest baby ever. He had a baby body who have a 80 year old man feature. He was a abandoned by his parents at the old folks home staircase intead of children home.

As he was growing up or should i say getting younger, he was introduce to a little girl, Daisy(Cate Blanchatt). They became best friend.

Benjamin life was normal accept for the aging. He left the house because he wanted to a fisherman and went to "war". After all the chaos, he came to the house and went out to look for Daisy, who works as a dancer. When Benjamin looks for her he is has the same feature as Daisy, he has the MAN features. Then they felt in love and got married.

And i should stop.

Favourite part: When he was left abandoned, a old lady said " he looks exactly like my ex-husband. And a man asked him " how old are you". He answered " im seven but i looks much older".


It great movie to watch. Its a touching movie and my friend was crying towards the end of the movie. Well, you shold watch it or else it's a waste.

My World My Life

7:14 AM